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Croeso i’n siop ar-lein  |  Welcome to our online shop


Dyddiadau allweddol ar gyfer eich dyddiadur | Key dates for your diary:

Canlyniadau arholiadau TGAU | GCSE Exam Results 

Dydd Iau 9 Ionawr | Thursday 9th January

Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen | St Dwynwen's Day

Dydd Sadwrn 25 Ionawr | Saturday 25th January

Ni allwch fynd o'i le gyda cherdyn e-rhodd | You can't go wrong with an e-gift card!

Daliwch i wirio yn ôl am gynigion arbennig ac ychwanegiadau newydd | Keep checking back for special offers and new additions.

 Please contact us if you have any special requirements. We will always do our best to help.

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Orders will normally be processed within 48 hours of being placed. Items will usually be with you within 5 working days of your order. Let us know if you are in a real hurry!

Cynhyrchion Newydd | New Products

Nadolig | Christmas 

Dreigiau | Dragons

Goleuadau | Lights 

Dathliadau | Celebrations

Llechi a Choed | Slate and Wood

Anrhegion Arian Poced | Pocket Money Gifts

    Gemwaith | Jewellery

    Magnetau Oergell | Fridge Magnets

      Cardiau Cyfarch | Greetings Cards

        Dillad Indy | Indy Clothing

        Atgolion Indy | Indy Accessories

        Sticeri | Stickers

          Stensiliau | Stencils

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